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The Indiaman Magazine - Issue 1

Issue 1


Issue 1 of The Indiaman Magazine first published by Paul Rowland in January 1996 as the journal of the British Ancestors in India Society which he founded in 1995.  This A4 glossy magazine was the first genealogy and history magazine in the world about the British in India and South Asia from 1600 to the 20th century and this issue quickly sold out.  The Indiaman Magazine was published as a paper magazine from 1996 to 2006.  In 2009 it was relaunched as an online magazine. Download a copy of every issue from 1996 to 2014 below.  

The Indiaman Magazine arrived this morning.  I was most surprised when it turned out to be such a High St., bookshop publication.  For some reason I had expected something along the lines of local F.H.S. productions.  Congratulations on such a well produced magazine.

Mrs B. Bromley. Shropshire, UK.


I received my "Indiaman" this morning and felt I must write to you straightaway to congratulate you on an excellent first issue.  It is not only very nicely produced but also full of very interesting articles and valuable information.  I don't think, in 21 years association with the Federation of Family History Societies as either Chairman or President, that I can remember any society who produced such a good first issue.  Quote me if you like!

Col. Iain Swinnerton TD.DL.JP.SG. Shropshire, UK.

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